"I have loved you with an everlasting love." Jeremiah 31:3 Happy Valentine's Day!

February Flashback: Iowa, just before harvest 2012
February Flashback--as I have been fighting illness and trying to keep up with a crazy work schedule despite that, I haven't been out much.  So I decided to reminisce on what was probably one of my favorite photos I took last year.

This was during a thunderstorm at the Grand Canyon, end of summer of 2012.  I was expecting the weather to be typical-Arizona...and instead it was cooler and raining...sort of like Washington actually.  The thunderstorm was behind me as I took this photo and I just love how you catch the light in the background with the shadow of the tree.

It reminds me that even if we feel dead inside, even when things look dark--there is a light ahead.  Without Christ, we are as dead as that tree...breathing, hanging in there, but nothing comes of it.  Light is found in Him, and we can always look ahead to where he leads...right into that light.

It has been a foggy few days here in Western Washington.  I think it is beautiful, a little eerie, and am perhaps feeling a bit desirous for things to clear up already.

I love that in life when things are "foggy" that there is still One who sees the big picture.  As a self-admitted control freak who likes to know what the plan is at all times, I rely heavily on that knowledge when life just doesn't play by my rules.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
                                            Proverbs 3:5-6